ChinaMed Clear the Liver Formula 78c




This is a variant of a formula that was originally recorded in the ‘Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases’ (shang han lun), by Zhang Zhong-jing (circa 150 – 219 C.E.). The original was intended to be used for Bright Yang syndrome (yang ming bing zheng) with jaundice due to the presence of Damp-Heat. The original formula contains only three herbs, which subsequent generations of physicians have used as the basis for designing formulas that treat different clinical presentations with jaundice. This variant has been enhanced with seven additional herbs in order to broaden the therapeutic scope of the original formula in the treatment of various Liver and Gallbladder diseases as well as certain metabolic disorders – all centered on the accumulation of Damp-Heat. It should be noted that Damp is a pathogen with a Cold nature and when it occurs combined with Heat, there are often contradictory clinical features, i.e. signs of Cold (e.g. cold extremities, chills) alongside signs of Heat (e.g. red tongue, rapid pulse).

The synergistic actions of the herbs are as follows:

  • Artemisia frigida, herb (yin chen hao), Lysimachia christinae, herb (jin qian cao), Gardenia jasminoides, fruit (zhi zi), Abrus cantoniensis, herb (ji gu cao), Taraxacum mongolicum, herb (pu gong ying), Rheum root & rhizome (da huang): clear and purge Damp-Heat, focus on jaundice.
  • Alisma orientale, rhiz. (ze xie): promotes diuresis to drain Damp.
  • Curcuma longa, tuber (yu jin), Crataegus fruit (shan zha), Citrus, fruit (zhi shi): disperse stagnant Liver Qi and drain the Gallbladder.
  • Lysimachia christinae, herb (jin qian cao), Curcuma longa, tuber (yu jin), Artemisia frigida, herb (yin chen hao), Rheum root & rhizome (da huang): clear Damp-Heat from the Gallbladder and expel gallstones.

Avoid coffee, deep fried foods, fatty food, alcohol.
Caution for those on anti-coagulant medications (i.e. Heparin, warfarin or aspirin), diuretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), cardiotonic glycosides, antiarrhythmic drugs, laxatives.

TGA Listed product with Aust L 418282.

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