ChinaMed Menopause 1 Formula 78c
This is a modern empirical formula, designed to treat menopausal syndrome that presents with signs of Yang deficiency: lack of bodily warmth, fluid retention, poor circulation and weight gain. The basic primary pathodynamic in women at the menopause is Kidney deficiency. This may present as primarily Kidney Yin deficiency, Kidney Yang deficiency or a mixed syndrome of both Kidney Yin deficiency and Kidney Yang deficiency.
The presentation addressed by this formula is Kidney Yang deficiency. This is generally accompanied by Spleen Yang deficiency with concomitant stagnation of the Qi and Blood due to the lack of the driving and activating functions of the Yang Qi. In addition to signs of Cold (e.g. cold hands and feet), fluid metabolism tends to become sluggish and the body retains fluid. Other consequences of impaired fluid metabolism include the development of pathogenic Damp and Phlegm, which together with the retained fluids, may manifest in weight gain and puffiness of the skin.
This elegantly designed formula addresses these factors by using three groups of herbs:
- Tonifying herbs to warm-tonify the Kidney, tonify the Qi and strengthen the Spleen and nourish the Blood
- Qi regulating herbs to promote movement and transformation of the Qi
- Diuretic herbs that drain retained Fluid and Damp through the urine
Warm-tonifies the Kidney & Spleen Yang, promotes diuresis to drain Damp, soothes the Liver and regulates the Qi.
- Spleen-Kidney Yang deficiency
- Fluid retention
- Qi stagnation, Blood stasis
Menopausal syndrome with weight gain and fluid retention.
(Key clinical features in bold)
- Weight gain
- Fluid retention
- Fatigue
- Cold hands and feet
- Irritability
- Pale tongue that is also swollen (with tooth marks) and moist
- Deep, weak pulse that may also be soft and slow
Each capsule contains: |
- Caution for those on anti-coagulant medications (i.e. Heparin, warfarin or aspirin).
- Caution with concurrent use of diuretics.
TGA Listed product with Aust L 100180.
Download TGA Public Summary for TGA published information including excipients, which are listed under 'Other Ingredients'.