ChinaMed Women's Formula 78c
This is a modern empirical formula that has been developed in order to promote and restore normal libido in women. Traditional Chinese medicine is generally more concerned with women’s fertility and general health, rather than sexual enjoyment or satisfaction. However, all other things being equal, if a woman is in an optimum state of health, she will have the capacity to become sexually aroused and experience satisfaction through intercourse.
Factors that underlie normal sexual functioning include the normal healthy functioning of:
- The Qi and Blood – to provide nourishment and support to all of the organs.
- The Kidney Qi, and specifically the Kidney Essence – as they specifically govern sexual function
- The Liver – particularly its action of ensuring that the Qi flows smoothly, evenly and freely throughout the body
This formula provides a basis for the treatment of women with a deficiency condition, which is causing poor sexual functioning. It should be noted that factors other than deficiency of the above Zang-fu and physiological substances may be involved. These include: retention of Damp, Damp-Heat or Phlegm-Damp, Cold in the uterus. If such pathodynamics are present an appropriate treatment strategy should be applied and this formula should not be used.
As implied above, there are many other factors may interfere with a woman’s healthy expression and experience of her sexuality. These include: relationship difficulties, work related stress, negative attitudes inherited from an overly ‘puritanical’ family or education, and unrealistic expectations. Thus, the services of other appropriately qualified healthcare professionals may also be required.
Finally, it should be noted that it is normal for sexual desire to be considerably diminished or absent during the post partum period, and for a variable time after this, as the new parents adjust to the demands of the newborn. In addition, such may also be the case during times of intensive concentration on a work project, creative enterprise and athletic performance.
Each capsule contains: |
3 capsules twice daily
- Not suitable for women with excess Heat syndromes.
- Caution for those on anti-coagulant medications (i.e. Heparin, warfarin or aspirin), diuretics, NSAIDs and uterine stimulants (e.g. oxytocin).
- Discontinue during an episode of common cold or influenza.
TGA Listed product with Aust L 148041.
Download TGA Public Summary for TGA published information including excipients, which are listed under 'Other Ingredients'.