FES Organic (YES Formula) Yarrow Environmental Solution Spray 30ml




Yarrow Environmental Solution (YES) is a highly beneficial blend of flower essences and whole plant tinctures in a sea salt base. Its purpose is to strengthen and protect against toxic environmental influences, geopathic stress, and other hazards of technology-dominated modern life. This includes the disruptive effects of radiation on human energy fields from X-rays, televisions, computer monitors, electromagnetic fields, airplane flights or nuclear fall-out.

Note: The intended action of this formula is on the etheric level. Anyone suffering from physical illness as a result of radiation or other environmental afflictions should immediately consult an appropriate healthcare practitioner.
A mixture of Yarrow Achillea millefolium, Pink Yarrow Achillea millefolium var. rubra, Golden Yarrow Achillea filipendulina, Arnica Arnica mollis, and Echinacea Echinacea purpurea flower essences, along with herbal tinctures of Yarrow and Echinacea, in a sea salt water base, preserved in organic grape alcohol.