Homoeoceuticals Flamstat Oral Spray 20ml




May be supportive for acute and chronic inflammation of a catarrhal and purulent nature of the upper respiratory tract
  • Easy to prescribe remedy
  • Complementary to other therapies
  • A combination of traditional homoeopathic remedies and nosodes
  • Designed by experienced homoeopathic doctors with over 30 years of extensive classical homoeopathic knowledge


Flamstat contains:

  • Apis mel 5x
  • Belladonna 5x
  • Bryonia 5x
  • Calc iod 12x
  • Hepar sulph 12x
  • Kali bic 12x
  • Lachesis 12x
  • Ferrum phos 12x
  • Mecur sol 12x
  • Infected tonsils 30x
  • Ceftazidime 6c, 12c

Contains ethanol